Saturday, March 28, 2015

Black and White

I'm reposting a previous version, as I inadvertently deleted the original.  Not one to jump on any decorating trends, this one works for me. If you pay any attention to home decorating magazines and blogs, even retail home furnishing catalogs, you see a lot of black and white schemes.  I love the look because it's classic--from traditional through midcentury modern to contemporary, black and white will never date an interior as most trends do. (think Old World, Southwestern)  Personally, I have a very classical style in my 100+ year old home--but once in a while I get the feeling that I'm living in Grandma's house, a little too safe, and outdated.  Periodically, usually in the Spring, I get rid of a lot of the clutter to streamline and lighten the look.  Recently I've added a lot of black (every room needs black elements, a weighted neutral) to update the look of my home.  It's an inexpensive way to update and revive a room that is waiting for total renovation/ redesign.  I've painted my kitchen floor in black and white "tiles" which makes the smallest room in my home appear much more spacious.  I also painted the patio doors on the back black--by far the best update--which makes them totally disappear, and the view of the garden shine.  Just painting the interior of the front door black makes a big statement.  Note that I've kept all the trim the same off-white for consistency throughout, which also gives the areas the contrast needed for the focal points in the room.  I'm jumping on this "trend" with both feet because in my mind it's not a trend but a classic design move that will last for another century.   An added benefit to adding black is that it ties in the big screen TV, speakers, and electronic gadgets that we all find ourselves loving and loathing in this age!


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